A special “thank you” to the Lions who help make Lions University possible by preparing content, conducting webinars, and sharing their experiences to help other Lions learn!
- PDG James “Andy” Anderson (MD-4, California)
- PDG Robert Block Jr (MD-31, North Carolina)
- PCC Jodi Burmester (MD-27, Wisconsin)
- PDG Wendy Cain (MD-12, Tennessee)
- PDG Fanny Chu (MD-4, California)
- PDG Judy Dudley (MD-8, Louisiana)
- PDG Dave Durant (MD-A, Ontario)
- PID Gary Fry (MD-9, Iowa)
- PDG Micheal Gibbs (MD-13, Ohio)
- PID Tom Gordon (MD-A, Ontario)
- PID Judy Hankom (MD-9, Iowa)
- PID Karla Harris (MD-27, Wisconsin)
- PCC John Johnson (MD-11, Michigan)
- PDG Dennis Kelly (MD-5M, Minnesota)
- PID Ardie Klemish (MD-9, Iowa)
- PID Esther LaMothe (MD-11, Michigan)
- PID Connie LeCleir-Meyer (MD-27, Wisconsin)
- PDG Chris Lewis (MD-A, Ontario)
- PID Robert Littlefield (MD-35, Florida)
- PID N. Alan Lundgren (MD-21, Arizona)
- PDG Harry Marissen (MD-A, Ontario)
- PDG Janet Marissen (MD-A, Ontario)
- PID Tom Matney (MD-43, Kentucky)
- PCC Mark Miller (MD-18, Georgia)
- PDG Marcia Newyear (District 46, Nevada)
- PID Judge Christopher Shea Nickell (MD-43, Kentucky)
- PID John Pearce (MD-18, Georgia)
- Lion Jeri Retzlaff (MD-4, California)
- PDG Mike Retzlaff (MD-4, California)
- Lion Sheri Retzlaff (MD-4, California)
- PDG Dawn Rice-Norton (MD-33, Massachusetts)
- President Brian Sheehan (MD-5M, Minnesota)
- PDG Sharon Sikes (MD-19, British Columbia, North Idaho, & Washington)
- PID Anne Smarsh (MD-19, British Columbia, North Idaho, & Washington )
- PCC Gary Steele (MD-31, North Carolina)
- PCC Deanna Shurtleff (MD-39, Idaho)
- PDG Gord Taylor (MD-A, Ontario)
- PDG Jessi Troester (MD-26, Missouri)
- PDG Denis Vinette (MD-A, Ontario)
- PID Bud Wahl (MD-1, Illinois)
- Lion Jama Wahl (MD-1, Illinois)
- PDG Nancy Watt-Durant (MD-A, Ontario)
- PDG AJ Westlund (MD-13, Ohio)
- PDG Gary Wong (MD-4, California)
- PDG Doug Wight (MD- California)